Find your true worth with our innovative valuation method
The wealth of a business far exceeds the sum of its accounting assets.
SharingValue is a cloud based valuation tool
It's all based on Goodwill
Rigorously Tested
Our valuation approach is based on the Strategic Intangible Assets (SIA) of companies that are precisely identified and valued:
SIA represents 85% of the value of listed companies vs 15% for physical assets.
Our methodology
Based on the Bercy Thesaurus
The following 11 intangible assets are evaluated :
1. human capital (also called intellectual capital)
2. capital innovation (R & D)
3. intangible assets (Patents, Trademarks, Designs & Models...)
4. organizational capital
5. capital sourcing & customers (called relational capital)
6. partnership capital
7. shareholder capital
8. capital Process (Information System)
9. other intangible assets (databases, software, etc.)
10. Corporate Social Responsibility
11. and the Business Model
Our proprietary algorithm
Based on 30 years of R&D
The various assets are assigned weights and totaled through a multi-sector & multi-countries database and our proprietary algorithms to get a fair value.
The information collected is traceable and conserved.5 use cases
When to use SharingValue
- Valuation for fundraising for innovative startups
- Valuation of startups by VC funds and accounting firms
- ESG reporting for companies
- Digital transformation strategy for companies
- For M&A
Certificate delivered by the european commission
As the intitution managing Horizon 2020
was scored as a high quality project proposal
in a highly competitive evaluation process
Recommended by 3 finance organizations
Chambre nationale des conseils experts financiers (CNCEF)
Chambre nationale des conseillers en investissements financiers (CNCIF)
La Chambre Nationale des Conseils Intermédiaires en Opérations de Banque (CNCIOB)
500€ +VAT
Report (20 pages) of valuation on a dozen pre-money Strategic Intangible Assets in English or/and in Trench (tax return & BP) on the 1st financial year intended to prepare a capital transaction with explanations of the methodology for advice & investors.
750€ +VAT
Pre-money valuation report (20 pages) in FR or/and in UK
(tax return & BP) over 2 years intended to negotiate your fundraising with explanations of the methodology for advisers & investors.
Report that can be updated via a subscription with an adapted dashboard.
1000€ +VAT
Report (20 pages) in FR or/and in UK pre-money & post-money (tax returns & BP) over 3 years intended to negotiate the stages of your fundraising or M&A.
Explanation of the methodology for advisors & investors
Detailed report (+ 20 pages) that can be updated via a subscription with an adapted dashboard.
1. Valuation of your business
In order to properly value your business, whatever your sector, stage of development or country*, or even context, you can now benefit from your automatic valuation report (in French or/and in English), from of €500 excluding tax.
Our valuation method is based on taking into account your Strategic Intangible Assets** which make up your company's Goodwill.
You can either do it directly by accessing our software, or with the specific assistance of one of our certified independent financial experts.
* Database covering more than 26,000 product & service activity nomenclatures in more than 150 countries.
** Sharing Value has obtained an award of excellence issued by the European Commission.
Certified valuation report by an independent financial expert
Data consistency check and forecasts (tax returns & BP)
Interview with the founding team & feedback & the expert
Valuation projected over 3 financial years relating to around fifty pre-money & post-money Strategic Intangible Assets in FR and/or in the UK.
2. Valuation on request of certain specific Intangible Assets by one of our independent financial experts
Valuation of brand, patent, skills capital, software component, BSPCE, etc.
3. Support for fundraising
Benefit from dedicated support to carry out your fundraising.
Sharing Value provides you with a team adapted to each of the challenges of your company (from Start-up, SME to IPO) in close collaboration with our international network in order to make your financing more efficient.
LONG-TERM SUPPORT via our various independent experts covering all or part of your needs:
Choice of statuses
Business plan development
Sector outlook by country
Independent Due Diligence
Business reconciliation: Joint Venture, M&A
Fundraising Closing & Term Sheet
Implementation of BSPCE…
This Software represents for its conceptor Jacky OUZIEL, the equivalent of 20 years of R&D.
Research corresponds to that conducted with students from various business schools and engineering schools. Development is the result of his experience in terms of valuation reports prepared at the request of the founders of many start-up and investors.
Our Advisor for the russian market
Graduate of HEC Paris, creative and proactive consultant with more than 15 years of experience in collaboration with leading companies. Anastasia represents Sharing Value in emerging markets.
Jonathan OUZIEL
Marketing Chief Officer and Partner
has 11 years of experience in the development of international projects (France, USA and China) in the context of marketing and sales
functions.Gilles TRIGANO
Partner consultant in Management and Business Restructuring
Associate in Economics and Management, IAE Paris, DEA in Statistical Mathematics.
Our Advisor for the indian market
Graduated in Economics and Computer Science, holds a MSC in Business Information Systems, Abhinav is our Business Developer India. He has over 10 years of experience in innovative decision-making and project management systems in various sectors and ecosystems.
Our Advisor for the japanese market
She is graduated from Waseda & Sorbonne universities with a large professional experience in Tokyo and Paris.
Our ambassador in the Israeli market
Advice on innovation & intelligent information systems.
Our Ambassador to Morocco
Runs a financial analysis and communications company.
Our distributor on the Japanese market
Supports Start-ups, particularly disruptive ones.
Valuing a business is a difficult exercise : Balance sheet, Income statement, appendixes provide only a fragmented view of the company.
The wealth of a business far exceeds the sum of its accounting assets.
Intangible capital has long been associated with the hidden wealth of the company, this significant part of its value that we can not really read the financial statements. Since the emergence of this concept in the 90s’, the specialists of the subject sought to apprehend him. One of the pioneers in this field, Jacky Ouziel even created the immetrique system to measure it.
Assuming that the market value reflects the overall wealth of a business, as opposed to the carrying amount that must meet higher standards than economic constraints, attempts were made to bring the value of intangible capital gap between the market value and book value.
This so-called subtractive approach.This method is easier to implement when the company studied is listed and therefore its market value available :
The intangible capital (or Goodwill) = Market value - Value of Equity (Book Value of Equity) .
But the overall value of the intangible assets does not specify the distribution between its various component assets. But it is essential to understand what makes the intangible value of the company. Is it human capital (e.g, a software company)? Is that its R & D through a patent portfolio (e.g, the Pharmaceutical Industry)?
And add that applying this method on a non-listed company, let alone a start-up would be a perilous exercise!
The SharingValue’ method, close to Bercy Thesaurus, opts for the value of intangible capital as the sum of the values calculated for each specific Strategic Immaterial Assets (SIA) that compose it and expressed in €.
This approach value additive called intangible capital regardless of market value and also aims to define, what seems more logical. However, the value creation process uses all active working in synergy. We must find a good method to measure each asset to avoid counting the same thing several times and deduce an abnormally high enterprise value.
This original method combines qualitative approach and financial valuation of intangible capital. It offers a credible valuation system of the company (Start-up & SME) through a realistic measure providing a fairplay value !
The first step is to segment the intangible capital assets needed for more value creation process.
The SharingValue evaluation based on intangible capital offers a new method that improves those normally used by the evaluators (often limited to the visible part of the iceberg).
It allows parties ( Buyer / Seller & Investors / Entrepreneurs) to dive deep into the process of creating value and having a reference guide to better argue the negotiation and ultimately lead to a fair value for each.
Buy our book on Amazon
Buy our book on Amazon that explains our valuation methodology and the research with use-cases. Buy Here
- How to evaluate intangible capital?
- http://radiolcf.gbtimes.com/china/bientot-un-sharing-value-pour-les-investisseurs-chinois
- Jobsferic.fr : Faut-il-reconsiderer-la-notion-classique-de-capital-humain
- Livre blanc - Finance innovation
- Blockchain : France Blocktech et Sharing Value signent un partenariat
- Blog Avocats
- Les nouveaux modes de financement de start-up
- Un e-learning sur le financement des start-up – Observatoire de l`Immateriel
- Un e-learning sur le financement des entreprises
- Les nouveaux modes de financement de start-up | Pearltrees
- DIP 18 - Identifier et piloter les nouveaux actifs immatériels - Livre blanc - Finance innovation
- 9 Experts Financiers donnent leur avis sur la Rentabilité du Crowdlending - Bolden
- La « Finance Participative » de la CNCEF en ordre de marche - Esteval Editions
- L`actualité sur les professions Actualités - investissementconseils.com
- France BlockTech : une association émerge dans le vivier de la blockchain
- #finance #innovation | valorisation des gafam: par jacky ouziel, conseil... | #finyear - scoopnest.com
- Vidéos de Meilleurinvestisseur - dailymotion
- Travail, formation, emploi. Valorisation du capital humain. Diplôme et
insertion sur le marché du travail. Insertion des personnes en
difficulté.... - Ouvrages - La Documentation française - Salle de presse - La section « Finance Participative » en ordre de marche
- La joint-venture, un mariage d`intérêt pour cibler des marchés étrangers
- SENAT 25JANVIER2016 XXXIVéme DINER FESTIF "Le financement de l`économie par des - Dirigeantes Actives 77
- Blockchain, la révolution de la confiance de Laurent LELOUP | LES RH – JOBSFERIC
- Conférence web en partenariat avec EuroQuity de Bpifrance : NOTA-PME et MATCHVALUE pour l`évaluation de l`immatériel - Pour booster la notation bancaire des TPE-PME - Ulule
- Bientôt un "Sharing Value" pour les investisseurs chinois ? | gbtimes.com
- Atelier-Débat DAF Temps Partagé : Nouvelle économie : comment calculer la valeur des entreprises ? - DFCG.fr, le site institutionnel de l`Association nationale des directeurs financiers et de contrôle de gestion
- Blue Ocean, les nouveaux Business Modèles - Blog de Perfect Memory
- Catalogue en ligne Bibliothèque du CESAG.
- Bibliothèque de l`Ecole Nationale d`Administration catalogue › Détails de: La Valorisation du capital humain
- L`association des anciens de l`ENSAE - E-Revue
- Soirée stratégie | HEC Alumni
- Diplôme européen SharingValue
I appreciate that the Sharing Value tool proposes to give value to an intangible asset that is often perceived as the expression of a cost. This makes it possible not to focus on expenses and a result often negative for a beginner company. It is an interesting tool for management and management of the company.
We are very satisfied to be able to use the Sharing Value method, which represents the benchmark for the valuation of intangible assets, especially for my crowdfunding activity specializing in innovative companies in overseas territories. All executives and managers of companies can use this software which is simple, fun and practical. I am sure that its use is synonymous with saving time and money for our society (calling on several experts would be much more expensive). Sharing Value is really efficient, excellent value for money. You too can use this software!
We are very satisfied with the use of the Sharing Value method, it is the reference in the valuation of intangible assets and it is the one we have chosen for our company. The use of the software is simple and practical which is important for me. I do not doubt that all leaders will be able to appropriate it quickly. In the end, Sharing Value proves to be an excellent value for money and I can only advise on its use, for the time saved and efficiency (paying multiple experts would have been very expensive).
Steny SOLITUDE - CEO of Perfect Memory S.A.
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